Holiday in the heart, p.1
Holiday in the Heart, page 1

Holiday in the Heart
Leanne Burroughs
Aleka Nakis
Rachel Michaels
Victoria Houseman
Candace Gold
Heather Hiestand
Deborah MacGillivray
Original Anthology Copyright ©2006 Highland Press Publishing
Cover design 2006 Deborah MacGillivray
Stories copyrighted to the individual author
All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names, save actual historical figures. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
Print ISBN: 0-9787139-1-5
Highland Press Publishing
A Wee Dram Book
To those who love the magic and beauty of Christmas, Chanukah and the entire Holiday Season.
Happy Holidays!
Christmas Wonderland……............Leanne Burroughs
Sempre…………………………….Aleka Nakis
The Christmas Curse…………........Rachel Michaels
Rachel’s Light…………………......Victoria Houseman
The Greatest Gift of All……..............Candace Gold
Victoriana…….…………………......Heather Hiestand
Blue Christmas Cat………….............Deborah MacGillivray
Super Collection of Great Stories!
CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND by Leanne Burroughs - When Samantha Noelle was talked into replacing her friend Monique as one of Santa's helpers at Nickels Department store she was less than thrilled with the divinely handsome store manager who laughed at her in her green elf costume. Sam thought Mr. Giovanni should have been called Mr. Grumpy and would have liked to just stay out of his way but his precocious young daughter was going to show them both how much they all needed one another. ~*~ Burroughs has an incredible voice whether writing a Scottish historical or a contemporary love story.
SEMPRE by Aleka Nakis - When you're young you often make unwise choices and Amanda, standing all alone on Christmas Eve had reason today to regret the choice that changed her life. Not all of it, after all she had her son Jason just not the man who captured and still held her heart today. Yet, when Marco appeared on the observation deck with her perhaps miracles could happen and she would have a second chance at love. ~*~ A lovely sweet story that proves once again that love is the best miracle of all -- any time of the year.
THE CHRISTMAS CURSE by Rachel Michaels - All her life it seemed Jenna was a walking disaster around the Christmas holidays. Just once - one time - could she have a pleasant Christmas? Well, it was worth a shot to wish on a star, just this one time and maybe magic could happen. ~*~ This was a very cute story proving sometimes wishes do come true. Sweet.
RACHEL'S LIGHT by Victoria Houseman - As governess to Samuel Stein's children Rachel Levine knew her place yet couldn't help but wish to take away the pain and bitterness she saw in Samuel's beautiful eyes. Samuel was bitter over what life had dealt him after losing his wife and the pain from his mangled leg but most of all hated that he hurt Rachel with his drunken tirades, a lovely gentle young woman who deserved better. ~*~ Houseman writes a powerfully beautiful love story of redemption as a gentle young woman brings light and promise to man who once thought his life bleak.
THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL by Candace Gold - After having been jilted by her fiancé Claudia wasn't in the mood to go to any dance but once there met a guy too good to be true. Things progressed nicely until he was called up to serve in the Iraqi war and Claudia's world fell apart again when he was reported MIA. ~*~ Well written and emotional - have the tissues handy! Lovely.
VICTORIANA by Heather Hiestand - Hiestand has come up with an exceptionally creative and original story when Robyne Arthur, a young woman stumbles upon an old Victorian `cracker' and is transported from Tacoma, Washington to Victorian England. Only it's an England that has been frozen in time. The Earl of Chester points out that Robyne holds the key to saving them but she would forfeit any chance to return home. The more she gets to know the kindly Earl of Chester, she may just decide that staying with him is where she wants to be. ~*~ Loved this very original time travel from the very first pages. A step back into Victorian England. Sweetly satisfying.
BLUE CHRISTMAS CAT by DeborahAnne MacGillivray - Dara Seaforth had loved Rhys St. John since she was eleven years old - still remembered the one and only kiss she'd given him at eighteen. When on Christmas Eve and Dara was more lonely than ever, a stray cat with a name tag of Elvis showed up on her doorstep. Rhys had returned to the village and been looking for a reason to approach Dara. Following his silly cat's tracks through the snow he was overjoyed to discover they led straight to Dara's door! ~*~This was a charming little story that proves that someone is bound to listen when one's heart is pure to grant special wishes at Christmas time. MacGillivray writes with a pleasing sensual voice and wonderful character development for both human and feline.
This is a terrific collection of stories that sets the mood for ringing in the holiday spirit with warm loving feelings, faith and charity. You can't miss with this lovely fine-tuned collection with a bit of something for everyone's taste.
~~Marilyn Rondeau, RIO - Reviewers International Organization
Stories that would put even Scrooge into the Christmas spirit. It does not matter what TYPE of romance genre you prefer. This book has a little bit of everything. The stories are set in the U.S.A. and Europe. Some take place in the past, some in the present, and one story takes place in both! I strongly suggest that you put on something comfortable, brew up something hot (tea, coffee or cocoa will do), light up a fire, settle down somewhere quiet and begin reading this anthology. ~*~**
~~Detra Fitch of Huntress Reviews
HOLIDAY IN THE HEART is a beautiful compilation by absolutely phenomenal authors. From the past to the present, no matter what setting the story appears, HOLIDAY IN THE HEART delivers a splendid mixture of powerful romantic tales. Readers will cherish this anthology. HOLIDAY IN THE HEART is a must read!
~~Deborah Wiley, CK2S Kwips and Kritiques
Christmas Wonderland
Leanne Burroughs
Samantha Noelle looked over the swarm of people—mainly mothers and children—and shook her head. The store was a madhouse!
How would she ever survive this next month? If she didn’t need the money so badly, she never would have let Monique talk her into replacing her after she’d broken her leg. But Santa’s helper couldn’t be seen walking around with a cast on her leg, could she? At least that’s the argument Monique had used.
So here she was—the day after Thanksgiving—dressed in an elf costume!
Samantha rolled her eyes. If one more teenage boy came by and made a wisecrack, she’d belt him. And there would go her job—and the money she needed.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the store manager had laughed when he’d seen her in the elf costume. His manners left the man far lacking. Such a shame, too, because he was drop-dead gorgeous with black hair and the clearest blue-grey eyes she’d ever seen. Eyes that seemed to look into your soul.
If she was lucky, she wouldn’t have to deal with him very often.
The line of children wrapping through the toy department seemed endless. With most men in the war in Europe, few fathers were present. Management certainly had been smart to put Santa where little ones could beg and plead for toys they passed while in line. Everyone knew families would try their hardest to make Christmas special for the children, feeling they had to compensate for daddies not being home on Christmas morning.
Some little ones were whiny, but most looked excited and awestruck. The guy the store hired was good. White hair and a real beard. And his size was just about right—tall, with broad shoulders. No pillow necessary. What really caught a person’s attention were his eyes. They twinkled when he spoke, giving the impression he really cared. Not just for the children, but their parents, too. His rapier wit had everyone laughing. He was exactly what Santa Claus should be—if he were real. And the children actually thought they were seeing the real Santa Claus.
Samantha sat with Santa in the employee cafeteria and wiped her fingers on a napkin after finishing her hamburger.
She watched him eat his cheeseburger and fries with relish. “So, Joe, what made you decide to brave being Santa?”
“Daughter insisted I’d be perfect for it. Told her she was crazy, but she thought I should try it now I’m retired. And with the war going on and so many men away, I figured it was the least I could do to put a smile on children’s faces. It’s bad enough most of them will have to spend the holiday fatherless.” His rueful smile told her he wasn’t pleased about that.
“You’re perfect at it. And the children love you. You’re...nice.”
Joe laughed. “That’s not something many people tell me. Usually they tell me I’m mean, rotten, and smell bad.”
Samantha furrowed her brow. “Really?”
He wiped his mouth with a napkin and leaned back in his chair. “All right, I confess. That’s what I usually tell them. So, Miss Elf, what made you decide to walk around in a green outfit?”
She smiled. “My friend was supposed to work here, but she fell and broke her leg while I was visiting my cousin, Allison, in Chicago. She knew I needed extra money, so when
“Need it for Christmas presents?” A smile lit his eyes, then quickly faded. “Even if you do save some money, with all the rationing going on now, you might not be able to find whatever you want. It’s even hard to find Christmas ornaments this year since silver’s at such a premium.”
“My friend’s been working overseas as a fashion consultant for the past year and I’ve been staying at her house. She used to go overseas to view the Spring and Fall collections and bring them back for her company, but last year she stayed. With the war still going on, her employer’s worried she might be injured by a bomb falling on London. So they’re insisting she return home. She loves living in London and tried to find another job, but even Harrods had to turn her away now that it’s focusing on the war effort.”
Joe arched a brow. “So it’s true? I’d heard their sales have lagged with people having little money. One of the newsreels at the theatre announced Harrods had switched to producing uniforms, parachutes and parts for Lancaster bombers. Even claimed sections of the store had been taken over by the Royal Navy.”
Samantha nodded. “So, she’s resigned to coming home and I have to find someplace else to live. Which is why I need extra money for a deposit.”
“You’re going to pay for an apartment on an elf’s salary? I hope you don’t want anything larger than a closet.”
Samantha sipped her Coca-Cola, set the glass back down. “Oh, I have a job during the daytime, too. Since I set my own hours there, I shouldn’t have any conflict that would keep me from being here on time so Mr. Grumpy doesn’t have an excuse to yell at me for being late.”
Joe laughed out loud. “By Mr. Grumpy I assume you mean Mr. Giovanni?”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen anyone so grumpy.” Or so handsome.
“You really like that stuff?” He nodded toward her glass of soda.
“Coca-Cola? I love it. And I think it’s awesome the company pledged to provide Coke to every U.S. soldier fighting overseas.”
“That’s the spin they give on it anyway.”
Samantha laughed. “So now the truth comes out, Santa. You’re really a grump.”
“Guilty as charged.”
They threw their trash away and headed out. Busy talking to Joe, Samantha didn’t pay attention as she opened the door—and ran right into Gregory Giovanni. His hands shot out to brace her from falling.
Heat flooded her face. She was sure her complexion could compete with Joe’s Santa suit. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention—”
“Clearly,” he interrupted, dropping his hands as if touching her burned them. “I do hope you pay more attention to the children visiting our Christmas Wonderland than you pay to your surroundings.” He moved around her and headed toward the grill.
“Inconsiderate oaf!” Samantha grumbled.
Although he obviously tried, Joe couldn’t conceal the gleam in his eyes. “You did practically knock the boss off his feet.” As she shot him a glare, he continued, “You could do worse, you know. Most women consider him ‘a good catch.’”
Samantha huffed. “As if I’d pay someone like him any attention.”
Liar! You couldn’t take your eyes off him during orientation. Hard not to look at someone that takes your breath away.
“From what I heard, the man gives a lot to the community. When you signed your employment paperwork you should have seen Nickel’s Department Store is promoting a War Bond drive. I’ve heard Giovanni pledged to match everything his employees donate.” He raised a brow as he watched her closely. “That’s a mighty generous man, if you ask me.”
With the onslaught of little boys and girls waiting to see Santa, Samantha had little time to think about Mr. Gregory Giovanni.
She’d run straight into him. The beautiful little elf that probably thought him the biggest Scrooge around. She should. He’d been nothing but unpleasant, if not rude to her from the moment he first saw her.
He had to. Had his daughter to think about. She was so fragile. In so much pain. He needed to spend every minute away from work with her. Not mooning over some beautiful, lithe girl that took his breath away.
When her friend had broken her leg and suggested Miss Noelle be allowed to take her place, he’d almost said no. Her resumé seemed too good. Too perfect. Then she’d walked into the interview room.
His brain had ceased functioning. All blood traveled south and left him without a sane thought. All he could think about was the young woman standing before him. Light brown hair cascaded halfway down her back. And her eyes. Eyes the color of brandy. She’d smiled, and the smile had reached her eyes. Surely they’d seen clear into his soul. Seen his loneliness.
He’d hired her on the spot. First time in his life he’d made such a reckless decision.
Surprisingly, he didn’t regret it. He’d watched her today. Not that she’d seen him. He imagined she wouldn’t have liked it if she’d known. He doubted she knew he owned Nickel’s as well as the entire shopping center. Most people assumed he was merely the manager. He liked it that way. He wanted people to judge him for himself, not for his family’s money. Ever since Amanda walked out on him, he’d made it a point not to let people know his family connections—still primarily in Chicago. Only a few people locally knew his background.
He’d been pleased with her performance throughout the day. Keeping children and their parents happy hopefully meant they’d shop in his store and other stores in the center—pleasing his store managers. And happy managers meant healthy profits. Not that he needed more money—his family’s extensive business interests kept him more than comfortable—but he enjoyed what he did.
But she’d gone far beyond his expectations of an elf. She’d acted like she cared—not just automatically directing each child to Santa’s lap. She actually talked to them. Paid attention to what they said, often kneeling on one knee to look into their eyes. Make them feel important.
Greg wondered what it would be like to have those eyes peer into his for any length of time. Talk to him like she had the children. Care about what he felt.
Stop it! She’s not a date—she’s an employee. Nothing more, nothing less.
Not since he’d met his wife had a woman affected him like this. He’d thought their love would last forever. Had wanted it to. Clearly Amanda hadn’t felt the same. After their daughter had been born she’d told him she was leaving. She’d met someone else. Someone who could advance her career. She’d left and never looked back. Divorce papers had arrived in less than a week. He’d felt gut punched when she told him she’d never loved him. Had only wanted his money.
For the first time in years, Greg found himself wanting to open up to someone again. Be near someone other than his tiny daughter. He’d shut out everything—everyone—after Amanda left.
He’d seen Miss Noelle every day for the past week while she’d been in training. Greg shook his head. Whoever heard of week-long training to be an elf? He’d devised the class for employees from all the stores who rented space from his shopping mall merely as a means to see her. The woman with the Christmasy name. The woman with the haunting brown eyes. Eyes that called to him. Made him want more.
He was a fool.
Samantha didn’t think her legs would hold up much longer. Hundreds of children had come with their parents to the store today. And every one of them wanted to see Santa.
She couldn’t imagine how Joe had held up so well and still had a smile on his face as the last child of the day climbed up on his lap and recited her long list of everything she hoped to get for Christmas. She’d heard him trying to talk the little ones’ lists down to only one or two items, knowing with the war on there’d be little extra money for Christmas presents. He’d told her earlier that he didn’t want them to be disappointed.
With the store closed for the night, they walked briskly back to the employee lounge to get their coats.