Mystical xmas paranormal.., p.1
Mystical Xmas: Paranormal Romance Anthology Box Set, page 1

Mystical Xmas
Mystical Xmas
Mystical Box Set Babes
Mystical Xmas Box Set By P.T. Macias
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2014 P.T. Macias
Copyright © 2014 By P. T. Macias, Darlene Kuncytes, Jami Brumfield, S. L. Bull, C.A. Tibbitts, Tasha T., Marissa Storm, Billie Jo Hanlin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Mystical Box Set Babes
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book was printed in the United States of America.
Table Of Contents
Mystical Lovers Xmas By P.T. Macias
A Wolf’s Christmas Gift By Darlene Kuncytes
Cherished Gift By Jami Brumfield
A Short Christmas Mating By S.L. Bull
A Shifter Christmas By C. A. Tibbitts
Savannah’s Christmas Miracle By Tasha T
Night Of The Blizzard By Marissa Storm
Moonlit Nights By Billie Jo Hanlin
Mystical Lovers Xmas
Tequila 10 and Razer 8 Christmas
Mystical Lovers Xmas By P.T. Macias
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2014 P.T. Macias
Copyright © 2014 By P. T. Macias.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book was printed in the United States of America.
I’m dedicating this book with all of my amor to my husband, children, grandchildren, and family.
Thank you for your patience, amor, support and believing.
Thank you for your amor Arturo. Special thanks to my son Andres, my daughter Erica, and son Ricardo for their assistance. Te amo!
Special Acknowledgements
I want to give special thanks to Marsha Thomas Berg my assistant and editor. Her dedication to me and the saga is amazing and immensely appreciated. Marsha strives to perfect my work.
Table of contents
About Razer 8 Special Elite Operatives
About Tequila 10 Special Elite Operatives
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
About The Author
About The Series
About Razer 8 Special Elite Operatives
Razer 8, Elite Delta Force team are the best of the best operatives. The name Razer was selected because the operatives are able to raze any entity, country, or structure in the world. Razer 8 are the best operative in the world, in their field of expertise. Every single officer on the team was selected because of his outstanding skills, education, and physical condition. Each operative has a special talent or ability that was honed to excellence. Each operative went through an extensive training that create an elite operative high into the realms of the infinite power.
The Razer 8 operatives are real close. Infinity is the name taken by Razer 8, the Special Elite Delta Force operatives. The infinite power Razer 8 team operatives are an offensive team working against the drug cartel, drug dealers, and all types of terrorist groups. The U.S. Delta Force Special Operative Unit, organized for the conduct of missions, requires that the Delta Force team be highly adaptable and completely self-sufficient. These men know that they can rely on one another when they have no one else. This is their new family!
About Tequila 10 Special Elite Operatives
Tequila 10 is formed of males and females. These operatives have been recruited because they possess rare abilities.
The government believes that the Agave nectar stimulates their abilities. The Agave nectar is a natural and organic certified product derived from the agave plant.
Commander Wood finds it amusing that the Agave nectar enzyme produces these effects. He decides to name the team Tequila.
In reality, the ten operatives are supernatural entities. Tequila is comprised five different supernatural species. The breakdown of supernatural entities on the team is three werewolves, one were-tiger, two dragons, one Sorcerer, and three vampires.
The Agave nectar changes their blood and masks their scent. This makes them smell more human. The special enzyme in the nectar executes a boost of energy and causes an enhancement of their powers. Their powers and their immune system burst to infinite realms.
The government scientists extract this special enzyme from the Agave nectar. These brilliant scientists have developed a special pill that also includes additional vitamins. The Tequila operatives take this pill once a month.
The Tequila operatives have an agenda. They’re the supernatural world’s enforcers. A few of the operatives are the heirs to their empires.
They work as team to monitor and stop the renegades in the supernatural world. These renegades scheme to take over the humans and the planet earth.
That’s how Tequila became noticed. Tequila had been working as a group in the World Enforcers Office when their special abilities were noticed by the government.
The team has special abilities. The Vhampiers, Dracos, and Sorcerer can teleport at will. The witches and warlocks aren’t able to teleport.
The Vhampiers are telepathic (read minds), can teleport, and have the power of healing with their blood or with their touch. The Vhampiers also have brilliant eyes that have a special reflective layer behind their eyeballs, called the tapetum lucidum, which enables them to see clearly in the night. That’s why Vhampiers are called nocturnal creatures. They’re also able to survive in the daylight but they do prefer the night due to their pale, sensitive skin and eyes.
The supernatural entities have a single common denominator. Their weakening agent is silver. The silver can hold them down or kill them if introduced into their blood. They’re also killed instantly by decapitation or by being shot or stabbed through the heart.
Fierce is the most powerful Sorcerer in the universe. He, along with selected representatives from several entities, monitors the supernatural community.
Six operatives on the team are shape shifters. There are three werewolves Storm, Dawn, and Red. Two of the other three are weredragons, Blush and Fire, and a weretiger, Cosmic.
The werewolves are able to transform at will into their wolf form. They’re telepathic, and empathic (can read emotions). The werewolves can only read their mates, other pack members, and humans. They can’t read other entities. As empaths, they have the ability to read the psyche, feelings, or life occurrences.
Not all werewolves have these traits. Storm and Dawn possess these abilities and they’re very useful to the team. Storm’s empathic ability allows her to read past events. Dawn’s empathic ability lets her see future events. Austin Moore, Red, is also telepathic. His other ability is unusual for a werewolf. He can become invisible.
Cosmic is a beautiful white weretiger, who has beautiful blue sapphire eyes. Cosmic is tall, strong and blonde. His face is a beautiful sculpted work of nature. His special abilities are rare for a weretiger. He can teleport and he’s able to heal. He’s the monarch of his realm.
Tequila 10 dragons, Blush and Fire, are also powerful. They have magical powers and teleport.
Chapter One
The evening is cool on the Southern California coast and the mist shrouds the mountains in a mystical white coat. The moon is full and the stars sparkle in the dark navy sky.
The Wolff Dynasty Estate is magnificent with its stained glass doors and windows. The building gleams an iridescent pearl with a royal purple hue.
The garden is immaculate and the circular driveway has a beautiful cobblestone pattern. The cobblestone is in different shades of gray, and forms the design of the Crowned Wolff.
The huge magnificent Wolff Dynasty Estate’s lights are on and are shining bright inside and out, creating a warm mystical Xmas welcome for the arriving guests.
Storm had ordered a huge truck full of fresh pine garland and a big wreath to decorate the inside of the hall and stairway. She also ordered a huge thirty-foot tall pine tree and placed it in the center of the hall, opposite the Wolff Dynasty altar. The tree is decorated in silver and deep purple ornaments that also have silver glitter. She placed a huge silver star on top of the tree.
The Wolff Dynasty Crowned Wolff and Crowned Wolff Empress decided to have a mystical Xmas party at the Wolff Dynasty Estate.
Angelo De Amato aka Phantom and Sophia Davis aka Storm decided to invite their friends and team mates to celebrate the first mystical Xmas at the Wolff Dynasty Estate.
They invited Tequila 10, Storm’s team and Razer 8, Phantom’s team, to the mystica
Razer 8, Elite Delta Force team members are the best of the best operatives. The name Razer was selected because the operatives are able to raze any entity, country, or structure in the world. Razer 8 are the best operatives in the world in their fields of expertise. Every single officer on the team was selected because of his outstanding skills, education, and physical condition. Each operative has a special talent or ability that has been honed to excellence. Each operative has gone through an extensive training that created an elite operative high in the realms of the infinite power.
The Razer 8 operatives are really close. Infinity is the name taken by Razer 8, the Special Elite Delta Force operatives. The infinite power Razer 8 team operatives are an offensive team working against the drug cartel, drug dealers, and all types of terrorist groups. The U.S. Delta Force Special Operative Unit, organized for the conduct of missions, requires that the Delta Force team be highly adaptable and completely self-sufficient. These men know that they can rely on one another when they have no one else. This is their new family!
Tequila 10 is formed of males and females. These operatives have been recruited because they possess rare abilities.
The government believes that Agave nectar stimulates their abilities. Agave nectar is a natural and organic certified product derived from the agave plant.
Commander Wood finds it amusing that Agave nectar enzyme produces these effects. As a result, he decides to name the team Tequila.
In reality, the ten operatives are supernatural entities. Tequila is comprised five different supernatural species. The breakdown of supernatural entities on the team is: three werewolves, one were-tiger, two dragons, one Sorcerer, and three vampires.
Agave nectar changes their blood and masks their scent. This makes them smell more human. The special enzyme in the nectar executes a boost of energy and causes an enhancement of their powers. Their powers and their immune system burst to infinite realms.
The government scientists extract this special enzyme from Agave nectar. These brilliant scientists have developed a special pill that also includes additional vitamins. The Tequila operatives take this pill once a month.
The Tequila operatives have an agenda. They’re the supernatural world’s enforcers. A few of the operatives are the heirs to their empires.
They work as team to monitor and stop the renegades in the supernatural world. These renegades scheme to take over the humans and the planet earth.
That’s how Tequila became noticed. Tequila had been working as a group in the World Enforcers Office when their special abilities were noticed by the government.
Each team member has special abilities. The Vhampiers, Dracos, and Sorcerer can teleport at will. The werewolves and warlocks aren’t able to teleport.
The Vhampiers are telepathic (read minds), can teleport, and can heal another being with their blood or with their touch. The Vhampiers also have brilliant eyes that have a special reflective layer behind their eyeballs, called the tapetum lucidum, which enables them to see clearly in the night. That’s why Vhampiers are called nocturnal creatures. They’re also able to survive in the daylight but they do prefer the night due to their pale, sensitive skin and eyes.
The supernatural entities have a single common denominator. Their weakening agent is silver. The silver can hold them down or even kill them if introduced into their blood. They’re also killed instantly by decapitation or by being shot or stabbed through the heart.
Fierce is the most powerful Sorcerer in the universe. He, along with selected representatives from several entities, monitors the supernatural community.
Six operatives on the team are shape shifters. There are three werewolves Storm, Dawn, and Red. Two of the other three are weredragons, Blush and Fire, and a weretiger, Cosmic, is the sixth shifter.
The werewolves are able to transform at will into their wolf form. They’re telepathic, and empathic (can read emotions). The werewolves can’t read other entities, only other werewolves. As empaths, they have the ability to read the psyche, feelings, or life occurrences of all beings.
Not all werewolves have these traits. Storm and Dawn possess these abilities. These traits are very useful to the team. Storm’s empathic ability allows her to read past events. Dawn’s empathic ability lets her see future events. Austin Moore, Red, is also telepathic. His other ability is unusual for a werewolf. He can become invisible.
Cosmic is a beautiful white weretiger who has beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Cosmic is tall, strong and blonde. His face is a beautifully sculpted work of nature. His special abilities are rare for a weretiger. He can teleport and he’s able to heal. He’s the monarch of his realm.
Tequila 10 dragons, Blush and Fire, are also powerful. They have magical powers and can teleport.
Storm runs around finishing the last details for the party. She’s wearing a royal purple satin dress with the Wolff Empress crown and jewels. She looks at her diamond encrusted watch.
“Babe, it’s almost time to get ready. How are you doing with Sven? Ok? I have to get him into his Xmas outfit.” She grins, turning to look at Angelo walk into the hall with baby Sven in his arms.
Phantom is wearing the black and white tuxedo with his Crowned Wolff crown and royal purple cummerbund.
“Geez, Darlin Storm, Sven is hungry and you know I can’t feed him.” Angelo grins at her, looking at her beautiful full breasts.
Uh Daddy, I don’t like the cloths that mom wants to put on me. It’s gay. Baby Sven starts to cry, and huge teardrops run down his flush chubby checks.
Storm rushes over to baby Sven and pulls him into her arms. “Baby, I’m going to feed you and then I’m going to put on the cute red Xmas outfit that I bought you. You’re going to look so cute.” She grins down at baby Sven, kissing his temple.
Baby Sven cries louder, turning to look at his Daddy.
Phantom smiles, looking at his two loves. Hmm, baby, I don’t think that I can stop her from putting on that outfit. He walks over to them and kisses her and the baby.
Storm nods, smiling up at Phantom. “Babe, everything is ready. Please greet our guests while I feed and change the baby.”
Chapter Two
Fierce Northern teleports onto the front entrance of the Wolff Dynasty Estate, in front of the massive stained wooden doors. Fierce has several special abilities such as telekinesis (psychic power that allows him to move things with his mind), teleporting, telepathy (mind reading), and magic. Physically, he’s a hunk. He has wavy black hair, and soft light silver-gray eyes that are as clear as water. His eyes are absolutely striking and unusual. He always wears shades to hide his eyes from the world. Fierce is tall and toned, despite the fact that he’s always eating. He loves to cook, so he always has some awesome new dish to try out.
He looks to his left as Prince Connor Dracostar teleports right next to him. He frowns at Connor and waves his hand around to insulate them from the world in a clear capsule.
“Connor, I don’t know if it’s going to work. I don’t want you to force Princess Josephine Draco. Don’t expect her to just fall into your arms.” Fierce raises his eyebrow, glaring at him.
Connor slides the fingers of his right hand through his shiny black hair and closes his beautiful turquoise eyes. Hell, this is my only opportunity to make her fall in love with me. I had to beg Fierce to convince the Draco Royal Council to give me a few cycle segments to court Princess Josephine here on Earth.
Fierce moves and crosses his arms, waiting for him. “Are you ready?”
Prince Connor opens his beautiful turquoise eyes and nods. “Yes, Sir, I’m ready. I would like to ask you to please introduce me as Dominic, my second name. I don’t want her to be on the defensive. I would like to have the opportunity to court Princess Josephine because I need to claim my dragonette.”