Unforgiven fallen book 5, p.25
Unforgiven (Fallen Book 5), page 25

A tear rolled down his cheek. He closed his eyes. He had so much more to say and so little time for it to matter.
Lilith shrieked.
Something acrid singed Cam’s nose, and he remembered what had happened in the library the last time he had cried. He wiped his cheeks, but it was too late. Beneath his feet he saw the hole his tear had made when it hit the stage. Black smoke billowed from it. Acid ate away at the stage, forming a crater that yawned and stretched until it spread like a canyon between Cam and Lilith.
“Say goodbye, Lilith,” Lucifer said with a sneer.
Cam leapt into the air, spreading his poor, feeble wings. All he needed to do was close the distance between himself and Lilith. She shrieked and scrambled backward, toward Lucifer and away from the expanding crater.
Cam landed at her feet. The end was coming. He would lose. He had not convinced her to love him again, so there was only one thing left to do.
He fell to his knees before the devil and raised his hands in supplication. “Take me.”
Lucifer smirked. “We shall be very busy.”
Cam shook his head. “Not as your second in command.”
Lucifer roared. “Our deal was clear.”
“This is a new deal,” Cam said, rising to shield Lilith as the stage shook beneath their feet and the lip of the crater approached his boots. It was nearly midnight. This was his last chance. “I stay down here in exile. I take her place in Hell, as your subject. And you set her free.”
“No!” Lilith shouted. She grabbed Cam by his jacket collar. “Why would you do that—sacrifice yourself for me?”
“I’d do anything for you.” Cam reached for her hand, amazed when she didn’t pull away.
The crowd’s screams grew deafening as the crater made by Cam’s tear reached into the audience, swallowing students by the dozen. But Cam couldn’t see them: The air had grown thick with smoke, and everything was cloudy and chaotic.
His heart raced. He had to hurry. “I’ll do whatever you want, go wherever you want me to go, suffer any punishment you want me to,” he said to Lucifer. “Only free Lilith from this Hell.”
As he spoke, he noticed a change in Lilith’s expression. Her features softened, and her eyes grew wide. Even when the walls around them stretched and twisted and started to cave in, Lilith didn’t take her eyes off Cam.
“You have changed,” Lilith said. “You have given me so much these past two weeks.”
“I should have given you more.” Cam reached for her, trying to find her hands through the thick, dark smoke.
“I’m not going to let you take my place here in Hell,” Lilith said. “Wherever you are is where I want to be.”
A well of tears fell from Cam’s eyes, streaming down his cheeks and burning away the world around them. He couldn’t have stopped them if he’d tried. “I love you, Lilith.”
“I love you, Cam.”
He embraced her as the crater grew and the stage disintegrated beneath them. Shrieks erupted from the audience as the thick walls of the new Colosseum shuddered and collapsed.
“What’s happening?” Lilith gasped.
“Hold on to me,” he said, gripping her tightly.
“Mom!” Lilith screamed in horror, gazing in the direction where the audience had been, though by then it was impossible to see her family, to see anything more than a few inches away. Her lungs filled with smoke, and she began to cough. “Bruce!”
Cam had no words for her loss. How could he explain that everyone Lilith knew was one of the devil’s pawns, that her freedom came at the price of losing them? He cupped her head and held her close.
“No!” she screamed and wept against his chest.
The Colosseum and the school beside it disappeared behind great plumes of smoke, the structures curling like burning paper. Moments later, everything around Cam and Lilith had been consumed. The world became a heap of ash that fluttered, then blew away.
The parking lot, the school, the desolate stand of carob trees marking the entrance to Rattlesnake Creek, the roads leading nowhere, the night sky that had inspired so many songs—all of it was on fire. The flames in the hills had closed in, encircling Cam and Lilith. The flames of Hell.
He focused on holding her tightly, shielding her from the sight and from the demons who flew overhead in a frenzied mass of golden wings.
A flash of silver entered Cam’s vision. Arriane swooped before him, her glamorous iridescent wings as bright as starlight.
“Arriane!” Cam called out. “I thought you’d gone.”
“Abandon you in the final moments?” Arriane said. “Never.”
“Glorious,” Lilith whispered at the sight of Arriane’s wings. “You’re an angel.”
“At your service.” Arriane grinned and bowed. “Cambriel, you pulled it off. With a little help.” She nudged Lilith. “You guys smoked it.”
Cam held Lilith closer. “I let you go in Canaan. It was my biggest mistake, bigger than joining Lucifer’s ranks. Losing your love is my only regret.”
“And finding your love is my redemption,” Lilith said. She touched his chest, his face. “I don’t care what you look like. You’re beautiful to me.”
“Touching,” Lucifer said, swooping above them, flames licking the backs of his wings. “Touching nonsense.”
Cam shouted up at Lucifer. “We fulfilled your terms! She loves me. I love her. We have earned our freedom.”
The devil was silent, and Cam noticed something strange: his wings looked thin, almost translucent. Through their fibers, Cam could see the twisting flames behind him.
“Lucifer,” he hollered. “Let us go.”
Lucifer threw his head back as his wings curled and singed at the edges. The devil’s form grew paper-thin, caving in upon itself. His claws flexed toward Cam one moment, then curled and disintegrated the next. His mouth opened, and the wretched sound of mirthless laughter made Cam and Lilith wince.
Soon, his body shrank and faded, until he was nothing more than an infinitesimal black hole in the center of the ring of fire.
“Is he gone?” Lilith asked.
Cam stared at the sky in disbelief. “For now,” he said.
Then an unholy din came from above. Lilith covered her ears. Cam looked up at a charge of demons, a stampede of fallen angels, black as the soul of midnight, rocketing through the sky. They headed for where the devil had just been, led by Roland’s mottled black-and-gold wings. Cam had never seen such wild heedlessness as appeared on Roland’s face.
“Which way did he go?” Roland said.
“Into darkness,” Cam said. “Like he always does.”
Arriane slung an arm around Roland. “Ro, will you marry me?” Then she blinked and shook her head quickly. “Don’t answer that. It was the thrill of victory talking. Forget I said anything.”
“What’s this all about?” Cam asked Roland, pointing at the army behind him. “What are you doing?”
The demon raised a dark eyebrow. “I’m going after Lucifer.”
“What?” Cam asked.
“The revolution has been a long time coming. You know that better than anyone.” He nodded at Lilith, then reached out to shake Cam’s hand. “Hey, brother?”
“Check your wings.”
Cam glanced to his left, then his right. His wings were thickening, spreading, leathery pieces of them sloughing away as strong new filaments grew in. The charred bits flaked and fell away.
And underneath, Cam’s wings were white.
Only here and there at first, but it was spreading. He stretched out his arms, reaching for the stars, and beheld his transformation. Within moments, his wings had been restored. Not to the legendary golden glamour to which he had grown accustomed, but to their original incandescence. White. Strong. Brilliant.
Allied to nothing but love.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
Cautiously, he touched his hair—thick and lustrous again. His body had returned to its lithe, muscular form, and his skin was smooth and pale once more.
He held his breath as Lilith touched his wings. She ran her fingers over their ridges, flattening her palms against them, her nails dancing up to the most sensitive tissue just behind his neck. He trembled with pleasure. Everything seemed limitless.
“Cam,” she whispered.
“Lilith,” he said. “I love you.”
Suddenly, the whole world went white. Cam felt pressure around his body, and then his feet touched down on the ground.
He and Lilith were back in the food court where Cam had first made his deal with the devil. Someone had cleaned the place up, taken out the trash, restored the burned-out food-court signs. Lilith gazed around her. Cam could tell she recognized Aevum but wasn’t exactly sure how.
“Am I dreaming?” she asked.
Cam shook his head, took her hand, and sat down next to her at the nearest table. There was a brown tray on its center. A snow globe sat on top. Both of them gazed into it and saw the burning ruins of Crossroads.
“I think you just woke up,” Cam said.
His mind traveled to Lucinda and Daniel, and he thought he knew how they might have felt in their last moments as angels, after they had finally made their choice and before they started over.
“I always knew there was something special about you,” Lilith said. “You’re an angel.”
“A fallen angel,” Cam corrected her. “And I’m yours.”
“Everything we knew is behind us.” Her eyes were tinged with sorrow at the life she’d left behind, but her smile was full of hope. “What happens now?”
Cam leaned forward and kissed her softly. “Oh, Lilith. We haven’t yet begun.”
With special thanks to Rod Bryan, Barry Poynter, Emma Angeline Branch, Alex Piazza, Brooks Tipton, Ben Hubbard, Jill Johnson, the Bass family, Madelyn Albright, and Chevy Impala.
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Lauren Kate, Unforgiven (Fallen Book 5)